My motion paintings combine the traditional aspects of oil painting with the modern kinetic elements of digital video.
Through the use of stop action time-lapse video I document the painting process of a specific section of a painting and feed the edited video, via inlaid LCD monitor, directly back into the painting. This results in a weaving of the video and painted elements to form a unique and dynamic visual experience. The strategy of the self documented process simultaneously becomes the subject matter and the subject. This not only questions paintings traditional role but also combines the old illusionary enlightenment tool painting, with the new reality of video. Video has enabled me to modulate the spatial depth, control the velocity and compose a wide variety of visual movement.
Patent Pending
Channel 13
Oil Paint/ Wood Panel/ LCD Monitor/ New Media
18" x 22" 2002
Attract - Repel (triptych)
Oil Paint/ Wood Panel/ LCD Monitor/ New Media
16" x 20" 2003
Oil Paint/ Wood Panel/ LCD Monitor/ New Media
20" x 24" 2003
Portrait of Jeff Kuennen
Oil Paint/ Wood Panel/ New Media
10" x 8" 2007-2008
3-D Self Portrait
New Media
3-D Flat Map
Oil Paint/ Wood Panel
14.5" x 19.5" 2004
Motion Paintings (Abstract)
Torus Knot
Oil Paint/ Aqua-Resin/ Plexiglas/ LCD Monitor/ New Media
30" x 37" 2007
@ Flux
Oil Paint/ Aqua-Resin/ Plexiglas/ LCD Monitor/ New Media
30" x 38" 2007
Edible Poly
Oil Paint/ Aqua-Resin/ Plexiglas/ LCD Monitor/ New Media
30" x 38" 2005
Blaster Worm
Oil Paint/ Aqua-Resin/ Plexiglas/ LCD Monitor/ New Media
30" x 38" 2005
Vertex Mechanism (diptych)
Oil Paint/ Aqua-Resin/ Plexiglas/ LCD Monitor/ New Media
15.75" x 21" 2004
Cycle of the Vertices (diptych)
Oil Paint/ Aqua-Resin/ Plexiglas/ LCD Monitor/ New Media
15.75" x 21" 2004
4-D Paintings
Toxocara Cati
Oil Paint/ Aqua-Resin/ LCD Monitor/ Plexiglas/ New Media
25" x 39" x 6.25" 2008
Complexity Irreducible (Green)
Oil Paint/ Aqua-Resin/ LCD Monitor/ Plexiglas/ New Media
24" x 33.75" x 6.5" 2009
Particle Accelerator
Oil Paint/ Aqua-Resin/ LCD Monitor/ Plexiglas/ New Media
15" x 21.25" x 5.5" 2008
Mirror Manifold
Oil Paint/ Aqua-Resin/ LCD Monitor/ Plexiglas/ New Media
15" x 21" x 5.5" 2008
Oil Paint/ Aqua-Resin/ LCD Monitor/ Plexiglas/ New Media
16.5" x 23.75" x 5.5" 2008
Purple Glider
Oil Paint/ Aqua-Resin/ LCD Monitor/ Plexiglas/ New Media